31-Year-Old Hedge Fund Trader Made More Than The CEOs Of The Six Biggest Banks Combined

Over the weekend, there has been some consternation over the report that the CEOs of the 6 largest US banks: JPM, BAC, GS, MS, C and WFC, collectively made $96.1 million in 2013, more than $86.3 million the year before and the most since the financial crisis.

However, we are confident those same people would have an aneurism if they were to learn that James “Jimmy” Levin, a 31-year-old hedge fund trader – head of global credit and an executive managing director at Och-Ziff - last year made a whopping $119 million, or more than all of the CEOs of the six largest firms combined. 

rom Och-Ziff’s Proxy filing.

Just who is this trading wunderkind? WSJ’s Greg Zuckerman explains:

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