$29 Trillion Tuesday – Central Banksters Gone Wild!

Fake it ’till you make it.  

While it was Aristotle who said that “acting virtuous will make one virtuous” (and clearly Aristotle hasn’t been to the same charity events/wealth orgies that I have, or he never would have said it), it is our modern Central Banking system that decrees that “acting like the economy is better will make the economy better.”  

Source: Zero Hedge


Now, perhaps if they had spent $29,000,000,000,000 by giving 7Bn people $4,142.85 each – we WOULD have a better economy now – but that’s not what happened at all. Instead, 70,000 people and corporations (the top 0.0001%) got an average of $414M each while the other 99.9999% of us, especially the bottom 90%, actually are now worse off than when the Central Banksters decided to meddle in our affairs in the first place.  


NY Daily News


The rich are indeed getting stunningly richer with the Forbes 400 (richest Americans) AVERAGING $800M gains in 2013 as the stock market (where most of their money is) rose over 30%. Again – AVERAGE gains of $800M per Billionaire!  Once you get past #50 on the list (Google’s Eric Schmidt with $8.3Bn), that’s AT LEAST 10% of their total net worth added in a single year!

As I said in our recent trade review “Thank You Sir, MAY I Have Another”, if they are just going to keep giving away money like this – we’re going to just have to keep taking it (through our many bullish trade ideas) but, at some point, the music will stop and you’d BETTER be able to find a chair fast!  

There’s a very good reason the Corporate Media is constantly telling you how bad “class warfare” would be – BECAUSE THEY ARE ALREADY WINNING THE WAR AND YOU ARE NOT EVEN FIGHTING!!!


Like any good game of musical chairs, we have no idea when the music is going to stop, so we all have to keep dancing around like nothing is wrong until it does. As I pointed out, it’s very easy to pay $150Bn for Amazon (at $327 per share) with money you just printed because the stock is TECHNICALLY worth something while the money the Central Banksters are printing is quite literally not worth the paper it’s printed on.  

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